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      Allspice, Pimenta officinalis

      I AM my awakened senses.

      Allspice, Pimenta officinalis

      enhancing our five senses particularly smell and touch

      Allspice is for the heightening of the five senses especially the sense of smell and touch. Allspice offers a doorway into a different perception of our physical world. It helps move us beyond a conventional experience of reality towards a mystical, supercharged one in which everything seems exceptionally crisp and clear. This intense experience of reality does not leave us spaced out or ungrounded because it is not a hallucinatory state. Instead, this is an awakened state that has always been available to us but which few of us have tasted. Eventually we all will live in a state of awareness this vivd all the time. Allspice wants to usher us towards this fuller experience of life.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each