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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Alika Rose, Rosa 'Alika'

      I AM the beacon that knows no limit. I AM one with my source.

      What you've shared with us
      • "You bowled me over with the timely choice of the Mystical Rose Trio of Agnes Rose, Alchymist Rose, Rosa Mundi. It took my breath away- and brought tears to my eyes- as it does now. (cont...)
      • I just sat staring and grateful- marveling at the way flowers get themselves made into essences, bottled, chosen by someone/ for someone, arrange to have themselves shipped to far off places and dropped into the water glasses and under the tongues of the very persons who, unknowingly, have called out for them. (cont...)
      • Mystical indeed- how very powerful and clever they are. How little we know." K.M., Cape Cod, MA

      Alika Rose, Rosa 'Alika'

      Support to be a beacon of light

      This one helps us be a lighthouse beaming our light in the world. Its crisp, revitalizing vibrant wisdom helps us shine our light whether we do this in the public arena or in a quieter way.

      -Excellent when we must be a light in our community but are challenged or under siege in any way.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each