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      Agrippina Rose, Rosa Cramoisi Superieure

      I AM the force of healing light, moving without impediment through my energy system.

      What you've shared with us
      • "The Agrippina Rose is one amazing Essence. Whenever I am taking it, my teaching gets so much more to-the-point and powerful. I ask for the idea that the student needs at that moment and poof! - Out of my mouth comes just the right thing to say. I truly do have a sense of pinpoint accuracy!" C.M., NY
      • "I immediately began to use Belerephon of the Open Door and Agrippina Rose to help me with my healing work. I feel the flow of Divine Love more easily as I hold space for my patients' healing processes, and I feel rejuvenated in my calling as a healer, with much greater clarity on my path." M.S., CA
      • "I am excited to be using these beautiful Flower Essences since we lightworkers can use all the help we can get in these times of accelerated energies on Earth!" C.D., Fredericksburg, VA
      • "I'm continuing to use Agrippina Rose while creating Chinese herbal formulas, and my results and diagnoses have gotten so much better. Sometimes I like to come up with a formula, then take Agrippina Rose, then revise it and notice the differences between the original and new formulas." E.S., San Francisco, CA

      Agrippina Rose, Rosa Cramoisi Superieure

      Precision in healing work

      Agrippina Rose is a peaceful warrior. She helps healers move energy without any inappropriate backwashing of energies and with the precision of a surgical strike. If we take Agrippina Rose for our own healing, it helps us get clear exactly what we need to do to take care of ourselves.

      - Helps us discern which healing modalities would serve us best.
      - Helps us receive exactly what we need from other healing modalities and leave the rest behind with calm and detachment.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each