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      Turks Cap Cactus, Melocactus intortus

      I AM confident and serene about who I AM, where I AM and what I AM called to do in the world.

      Turks Cap Cactus, Melocactus intortus

      Our place in the world

      Turk's Cap Cactus tells us, 'I help people to 'get' you and 'get' what you are saying. This is a visceral experience that can bypass much misunderstanding. The effect is to bring you into focus for others. I also help clarify to you your right to be. If you have any doubts about your right to be in your life, consider working with me.

      -Helps us clarify our boundaries so we can hold an appropriate relationship with our environment and the community we are in.
      -Helps us feel and know our right to be where we are without apology or ambivalence.
      -Helps us with graceful withdrawals when circumstances shift and we need to disengage from relationships or endeavors that once served us.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each