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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Spanish Shawl, Schizocentron elegans - 蔓性野牡丹 “Creeping Field Tree Peony”

      I AM seeing what is with no strings attached.

      Spanish Shawl, Schizocentron elegans - 蔓性野牡丹 “Creeping Field Tree Peony”

      Letting go is the key to receiving

      This essence helps us to know that more abundance comes from letting go and releasing control than from holding on. This essence’s affirmation reminds us that we are loved with no strings attached. This is beautifully illustrated by the stamen and extending tendrils of the inner flower. This essence helps us to release what we have been chaining to us, and supports those who have been chained in freeing themselves. Important information for allowing us to encounter each moment with a freshness of mind and of heart, allowing for everything to be what it is, and showing and receiving love without bondage. No more subservience to name, to prescriptions of reality, or to artificially dictated ties and bonds.

      -This essence helps with unplugging, whether it be from our busy connected lives with technology or when we have become wrapped up and tied down by outside forces. It supports us to end addiction to technology.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each