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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder

      Charles de Mills Rose, Rosa Charles de Mills

      I AM the flow of restorative light through every cell of my being.

      What you've shared with us
      • "I know that my ability to be well & healthy &strong & hopeful right now is directly related to the beautiful essences I use every day. Micro miracles in every drop! Thank you for helping to heal our world." J.M., WA

      Charles de Mills Rose, Rosa Charles de Mills

      Restores and refresh every part of our electrical field

      This gorgeous Rose has an Essence that helps us expand our electrical field for the purpose of cleansing, restoring and literally enlightening our electrical field. When our field expands, all parts of our electrical field can be cleansed, refreshed and rejuvenated much more easily. This is because healing light moves much more easily through an expanded field than through a contracted field

      -Useful when our electrical field contracts with emotions such as fear, guilt, anger and doubt.
      -Helps us trust, release and open our field so that light can wash through to cleanse and restore us on every level.

      1/2 oz. bottle, $9.50 each
      2 oz. bottle, $32.00 each