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      Babies of Light

      What you've shared with us
      • "Jack (5yr) has been taking Babies of Light on and off for the past year- we finished our last bottle and he asked to keep the empty bottle- he carried it around for awhile and one day I found written on top of my shopping list "Need: Babies of Light". He is just learning to write and it struck me so funny to see this note- how knowledgeable these little people are." V.W., East Sandwich, MA
      • "Thank you so much for the expeditious shipment of "Babies of Light"- we had run out and only then realized what a difference it had made in our boys: Nicholas 2 1/2 & Harrison 9 months. Nicholas, especially, is our strong-willed, fearless Babe of Light." J.N., Elizabethtown, PA
      • "Thanks to Green Hope Farm essences for helping me and my young Indigo relatives stay happily centered during a recent family gathering at the beach. I am touched by the way those seven years old and younger were attracted to and asked for the essences. At one point, I had five children and a teen-age babysitter waiting in line for their turn to pick and receive essences." P.L., Richmond, VA
      • "Your description of the 7th Root race Children fit my almost four year old like a glove. After 2 days of Babies of Light she slept well (and without having to be wrapped around my arm) the whole night for the first time in her life." C.C., Afton, VA
      • "I bought Babies of Light and Golden Armor among others a few months back. I have noticed such an amazing health improvement in my daughter after using Babies of Light on her nearly everyday. She hasn't been getting sick as much and has had great emotional growth. I feel she is a crystal child and that she soaks energy in wherever she goes. I feel Babies of Light is helping her to still be a light but not soak up so much lower energy. I am so impressed." K.R., Vergennes, VT
      • "We use this in my son's bath every night, and it makes a big difference in how he integrates input at school." C., Fort Collins, CO

      Babies of Light

      For the children being born right now

      The wise and sensitive souls coming to Earth right now need help to adjust to the dissonant man made vibrations they face. This Essence offers necessary electrical protection and also helps them build their own protective electrical buffer.

      -Addresses issues of protection, sensitivity, integration of information, grounding, sleep and other challenges these evolved children face as they handle the Earth matrix of emotional, mental and technological dissonance, a vibrational cacophony that feels particularly alien to these children.


      Baby Blue Eye, Bottle Gentian, Calendula, Chamomile, Corn, Feverfew, Ice Plant, Larkspur, Lavender, Lilac, Maltese Cross, Maple, The Mary Rose, Petunia St. Germain, Skullcap, Shrimp Plant, St. John's Wort, Trout Lily, Violet Transmuting Flame Violet, Violet Sweet Pea, White California Poppy, White Trillium, Water Hyacinth, Yellow Water Lily

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each