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      Back | Green Hope Farm Essence Finder


      What you've shared with us
      • "Sara (had) occasional seizures as well as fear of thunderstorms and high winds for which (our vet) suggested using the Anxiety blend about 3 years ago. The results were remarkable as far as reducing the level of her anxiety prior to and during thunderstorms. What is interesting to me also is that when I put it in the drinking water, both she and the resident feline, Mr. C come running from the back of the home to take a drink almost immediately." K.B., MI
      • "I've been using some of your Animal wellness collection on my critters and have seen some really good results. My greyhound, Topaz, has been extremely anxious at the most distant clap of thunder for six years now (and this is Florida, so we have them just about every day) but sleeps right through even the loud ones since I started giving him the "Anxiety" essence." T.J., Clearwater, FL
      • "Since beginning to use the Anxiety formula, I've really noticed a difference in my husky- he's calmer and more focused. Even my husband has noticed it, asking me if I'm still giving him "that stuff" because it seems to be working (he isn't as holistically inclined as I am, but is open to what works)." L.J., ME
      • "Bett, who is taking Flee Free, Borage, The Fairy Rose, and Anxiety, is so much calmer and relaxed in agility trials. We got two first placements and two second placements last weekend. I truly attribute it to the flower essences! A.H., Julian NC
      • "Thank you for shipping my recent order so quickly. I don't know who we would handle our Jack Russell during storms if we did not have this product Anxiety. I can't stand to see her shake so, and this calms her down to a peaceful rest." G.W., NC
      • "Our little Hurley has been doing so well on Anxiety. She was petrified of car rides and the air conditioner before we used the Anxiety on her. She is like a different dog when we give this to her. Thank you for creating this! It used to break our hearts watching her suffer in pain on car rides. She now either sticks her head out the window or falls asleep. She no longer pants like crazy or cowers." A.Q., Westfield, NJ
      • "My four footed friends, Aqua Bay and Dakota had to have their hoofs done- a dreaded event. So out came the flower essences with some extra feed and both of them relaxed so much they almost went to sleep. They were able to stand next to each other without the usual complaints, and Dakota made it a little easier to lift up his feet." G.C., Virginia Beach, VA
      • "Last summer (my 7 year old daughter) started showing signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I called and asked for some recommendations. It turned out the Anxiety helped her tremendously." S.C., Sedona, AZ
      • "Our kitty, Noor, licks herself bald on her tummy and legs. These anti anxiety drops calm her down and stop the licking. What a nice little miracle." L.V. Charlottesville, VA
      • "I received my Animal Wellness Combinations today, thank you. Our Catalina Macaw was screaming everyone's heads off. So I checked in with my guides and got clearly that the Anxiety essence would help her. When I took the bottle over and asked if she wanted some drops, she hung upside down from her cage and opened wide! Later, she started screaming again, so I dropped two more drops in her water, she's been fine ever since." A.B., Venice, FL


      This remedy helps to ease and release anxiety and anxiety-based behaviors including but not limited to nervous habits, anxious or obsessive behaviors such as excessive licking or feather picking, fear of people or being handled, phobias, confused thinking, fear of loud noises including thunderstorms, anxiety during car travel and overactive watchdog behavior including pacing.

      -This is our most popular remedy for animals as well as people.


      Arbor Garden, Aspen, Blue Vervain, Borage, Broccoli, Chamomile, Coral Pink Rose, Comfrey, Crab Apple, Dandelion, Dill, Feverfew, Honeybees in the White Hawthorn, Joe Pye Weed, Lavender, Lemon, Logan's Force of Truth, Mustard, Mutabilis Rose, Old Blush China Rose, Pennyroyal, Pink Tecoma, Queen Anne's Lace, Red Chestnut, Red Clover, Red Rugosa Rose, Scarlet Runner Bean, St. John's Wort, Trillium, White Yarrow

      1/2 oz. bottle, $11.35 each
      2 oz. bottle, $36.00 each